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Newly Elected, 14OCT16, "Black pope," father' Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ, the 31st Superior General of the Society of Jesus, i.e.: Jesuits.
New Orleans, Missouri Jesuit provinces join as one . . .
The Jesuits of two distinct United States Provinces joined as one on July 31, 2014 as part of a larger reorganization of the Society of Jesus in the United States. The Jesuits of the New Orleans Province and the Jesuits of the Missouri Province united to form a new entity, Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province.
The new province, at more than a million square miles includes 13 states and stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, and from Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico and beyond -- to the Central American nation of Belize.
Jesuit provinces in the United States of America, Superior General "Black pope" . . .
"President" Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Jesuit Cabinet  
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Obama Receives Honorary Degree at Notre Dame, as Protests Build . . .

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